Open Letter to B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell on the Killing of Wolves and Cougars to Save Mountain Caribou

Photo Credit – USFWS
Sixteen environmental organizations have signed a letter to Premier Campbell listing the reasons for their strong opposition to the killing of large carnivores (wolves, cougars, bears, wolverines) as a means to save the mountain caribou. Wolves and cougars are currently being trapped and shot as part of the Mountain Caribou Recovery Plan. The government has proposed to escalate the elimination of wolves by shooting them from helicopters.
Download the open letter (May 3, 2010) to B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell
Update on Wolf Kill Situation in Mountain Caribou Range
The BC government has apparently received a large volume of letters in opposition to killing wolves to save caribou, and has recognized the overwhelming public opposition in the press. An article in the Vancouver Sun by Larry Pynn (“We’re a never kill wolf province, public says,” March 18, 2010) summarized the current situation:

Photo Credit – Gary Kramer
“The public has rejected the idea of an aerial wolf kill in B.C. to benefit threatened mountain caribou, even before the first gun has been loaded.”
“But whether the B.C. government listens to the public, or to the scientists who say the kill is vital for caribou recovery, remains to be seen.”
“Chris Ritchie, manager of species at risk recovery for the ministry of environment, said Wednesday the response has been overwhelmingly negative since the proposed aerial wolf kill became widely known in February.”
Thanks to the many letter writers, the BC Ministry of Environment has sent several kinds of reply letters to people who sent in their comments. The Valhalla Wilderness Society has sent a detailed rebuttal to the Premier and the Ministry of Environment.
Wolf Slaughter From Helicopters
Could Begin Soon in BC’s Interior Wetbelt

Photo Credit – Tracy Brooks USFWS
Sources wishing to remain anonymous have told the Valhalla Wilderness Society (VWS) that the provincial government will make a decision very soon on whether to begin slaughtering wolves from helicopters. The use of helicopters is an escalation of the wide-spread slaughter of wolves and cougars that has been happening over the last three years under the excuse of saving mountain caribou. Prey species that attract wolves are also being targeted for increased killing, especially moose. One knowledgeable source told VWS that hunters are now allowed to shoot cows and calves. Cougars are being eliminated in some areas.
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