Inland Rainforest film coming to BC communities!

VWS is excited to announce our new film produced in collaboration with Damien Gillis!
SAFE HAVEN: THE RAINBOW-JORDAN WILDERNESS is a call to action for British Columbia
to protect the ancient rainforest of the Rainbow-Jordan!

The film began its tour at the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival November 16! Visit this link and
Add your name to our e-news list to stay tuned for more screenings.


BC’s ancient, globally unique Inland Temperate Rainforest and the mountain caribou it supports are endangered by clearcut logging,
which continues despite the urging of a recent provincial commission to protect what remains of our old growth. Valhalla Wilderness Society
has a well-researched plan to do just that, through the formation of three new provincial parks—The Quesnel Lake Wilderness proposal,
Rainbow-Jordan Wilderness and Selkirk Mountains Ancient Forest Park proposal (which includes the recently protected Incomappleux River Valley)—
each of which would create intact wildlife corridors for the remaining Inland Rainforest ecosystem.

Ways to help Valhalla Wilderness Society:

    1. Add your name to our e-newsletter list.
    2. Donate and become a supporter of the Valhalla Wilderness Society.
    3. Like our Facebook page and share our newly released film with your friends.
    4. The most important thing you can do is WRITE A LETTER! (see below)

Write a letter!

Voice your concerns
and urge for the protection of the three rainforest parks!

  • Elected officials are more likely to be swayed by personal letters than a petition or emails, so please hand write or type your letter and mail it (see addresses below). Yes, snail mail is most effective!
  • Sign your letter and include your full name and address.

Important points to consider

  1. Aside from the recent Incomappleux River Valley protection, British Columbia’s most rich and intact Inland Temperate Rainforest is mostly unprotected.
  2. Protecting Valhalla Wilderness Society’s three park proposals (the Rainbow-Jordan Wilderness proposal, Selkirk Mountains Ancient Forest Park proposal and Quesnel Lake Wilderness proposal) is crucial to preserving this globally-rare ecosystem.
  3. The Incomappleux is only part of B.C.’s southernmost remnant of Inland Rainforest. The remaining ancient rainforest corridors are encompassed in VWS’s Selkirk Mountains Ancient Forest Park proposal which is still in need of protection.
  4. The survival of the Deep Snow Mountain Caribou is at stake, along with at least 185 other known species at risk in BC’s under-protected Inland Rainforest.
  5. Caribou and other wildlife need intact ecosystems of substantial size to survive. A forest protection program should include protecting our last remaining intact forest ecosystems.
  6. Expanding and connecting BC parks can build the large intact protected areas we need.
  7. Only the BC Park Act and the BC Protected Areas Act can provide secure protection to preserve forest for future generations.
  8. The health and safety of British Columbians is gravely threatened by climate change.
  9. Forests presently moderate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and storing it. They also cool and humidify the air.
  10. Clearcutting stops carbon absorption for many years, and releases huge quantities of carbon into the air. This is making climate change worse. Scientists around the world urge that we must protect more forest, especially old-growth.
  11. Large, old trees store the most carbon and emit the most carbon when they are logged. They should have top priority for protection. The Coastal and Inland Temperate Rainforests grow the largest and oldest trees.
  12. Please protect the Valhalla Wilderness Society’s proposed Rainbow-Jordan Wilderness Park, Selkirk Mountains Ancient Forest Park and Quesnel Lake Wilderness.

The Honourable David Eby
Premier of British Columbia
PO BOX 9041 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9E1
Phone: 250 387-1715, Fax: 250 387-0087

Honourable Tamara Davidson
Minister of Environment and Parks
PO Box 9047 Stn Prov Govt
Rm 112, Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8W 9E2 Canada
Phone: 250 387-1187, Fax: 250 387-1356

Randene Neill
Minister of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship
PO Box 9012 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9L6 Canada
Phone: 778 405-3094, Fax: 250 387-4312

Honourable Ravi Parmar
Minister of Forests
PO Box 9049 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9E2
Phone: 250 387-6240, Fax: 250 387-1040

Mail a copy to your local MLA and MP.

Watch the film that was instrumental in getting the Incomappleux protected:

Valhalla Wilderness Society’s three park proposals: